
Trained Service Animals are Welcome

Service animals are trained to do work or perform tasks directly related to a person’s disability and are permitted in all areas where passengers are allowed.

A service animal must be under the control of its handler at all times and housebroken (trained to wait to relieve themselves at appropriate station stops-and not onboard). Amtrak personnel may ask what active task(s) the service animal performs. For the safety of all Amtrak passengers and staff, and the sanitation of our trains and facilities, passengers shall not misrepresent untrained animals as service animals, including pets, comfort or emotional support animals, animals in training, etc.

Fraudulent representation risks an animal being denied travel or removed from the train, and in many states may constitute a crime. Animals not considered service animals must follow the carry-on pet guidelines.

What Should you Know Before you Travel with a Service Animal?

Reservations and Communications about Service Animals

Amtrak personnel may ask what active task(s) the service animal performs directly related to the passenger's disability. Conductors can provide information about station stops that provide sufficient time for the handler to walk the animal to a relief area. Passengers must check with the conductor at the designated station stop. Amtrak职员不负责照看或监管任何乘客的服务性动物。 Passenger may include their service animal on their reservation during booking by completing the booking questionnaire.

Contact us at 1-800-USA-RAIL or email for accommodations such as accessible seating space for large service animals, if necessary and available. Ensure your animal is not sick prior to travel and let Amtrak employees know of any changes during travel.




  • 如果行车时间允许,您可在列车停车时遛您的服务性动物,但须在列车合理的距离内并在列车员宣布列车即将启程时迅速返回列车。如果您计划在旅程中遛您的服务性动物,请在首次登车时通知列车员。
  • 禁止携带:方便宠物在车上排泄用的猫砂盆、宠物尿垫、尿布、非防水宠物箱、袋子和背包等。动物应训练有素,不会在车上随地排泄。
  • Auto Train在Florence, SC仅有一个停靠点,这是一个服务站点,您可以携带动物到车站整顿。请告知乘务员和车上人员。




  • 该动物失去控制且您无法有效控制该动物(例如,一只犬反复吠叫、不可控制或因未训练好而造成重大骚动)或
  • 该动物对其他乘客或动物的健康或安全构成直接威胁,如出现撕咬、咆哮或有攻击性行为。



作为Amtrak Guest Rewards计划的会员,您每次搭乘列车都可获得奖励。赚取的积分可用于获得奖励旅行、升级等。

Guest Rewards