购买前往Washington, DC的火车票
购买前往Washington, DC的火车票
Washington, DC火车站基本信息

Washington - Union车站自1907年起一直是前往美国首都的门户,如今,该车站每年接待数千万通勤乘客、旅行者、食客和购物人士,是Amtrak网络中第二大繁忙火车站。
- Amtrak WiFi
- 大都会休息室
- 众多餐厅和座椅
- 等候登车时可享受多种服务
- 便利前往WMATA地铁线、巴士系统和MARC或VRE通勤列车
- 距美国国会大厦和国家艺术画廊仅数步之遥
Union车站DC不仅将乘客送往周边的Maryland和Virginia州主要城市,还在东西海岸之间穿梭 从Washington, DC热门目的地出发,包括Miami、Stamford和Charleston。
准备好现在出发了吗?从Amtrak应用程序、Amtrak售票亭或任何Amtrak车站的票务代理处购买前往Washington, DC的火车票。

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Get from New York City, NY to Washington, DC in three hours with the Acela. Looking for a more scenic route? Check out the Northeast Regional, Vermonter and Palmetto services that get you there with plenty of time to enjoy the nation's capital.

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Served by our Acela, Northeast Regional, Silver Star and Crescent routes, going from Boston, MA to Washington, DC gives passengers a stunning view of the East Coast's most popular cities.
Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Have a DMV museum bucket list? Go from Richmond, VA to Washington, DC and knock out the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, The Poe Museum, Science Museum of Virginia, International Spy Museum and Hirshhorn Museum in one weekend.

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
In less than an hour our Acela and Northeast Regional services get you from Baltimore, MD to Washington, DC. Have a night out in DC without worrying about traffic and take a later train back to Maryland with our Night Owl Fares.

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Explore two of the nation's most historical cities in one day. The Acela, Northeast Regional, Vermonter and more can take you from Philadelphia, PA to Washington, DC in two hours or less.

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Watch the Carolina Hurricanes and the Washington Capitals in one weekend. From the City of Oaks to the Nation's Capitol the Carolinian and Silver Star services take you from Raleigh, NC to Washington, DC for a weekend of great food, sports and fun.
Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Our Capitol Limited service takes you directly from Chicago, IL to Washington, DC for a cozy trip taking you through the Potomac Valley and Allegheny Mountains.

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Explore the Southern Crescent from Atlanta, GA to Washington, DC and get a first-class view of the Southeast's diverse beauty.

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Enjoy the scenic waterfront views from Norfolk, VA to Washington, DC while onboard the Northeast Regional.

Washington, DC Union车站附近景点
首都有众多历史悠久的纪念碑和纪念馆、世界级博物馆(大多数免费)和多元化的社区等待您来探索,这里是全年必去的热门目的地。著名剧院、美食体验和众多精彩体验,尽在 Washington.org。
Washington, DC Union车站附近景点
首都有众多历史悠久的纪念碑和纪念馆、世界级博物馆(大多数免费)和多元化的社区等待您来探索,这里是全年必去的热门目的地。著名剧院、美食体验和众多精彩体验,尽在 Washington.org。
规划前往Washington, DC的旅程,享受众多折扣和优惠
Amtrak车票优惠包括商务车厢和普通车厢提前预订优惠、指定路线买一赠一促销、全国重大活动车票打折(例如骄傲节庆典或春季活动),全年还有众多其他超值优惠任您享受。即使没有优惠和促销活动,前往Washington, DC的Amtrak列车票价也能低至$6(例如,从Alexandria, VA出发)。
乘坐Amtrak前往Washington, DC,畅享优惠:
- 浏览老年人、儿童、残障人士、军人、退伍军人及其他人士享受的每日折扣票价
- Check out our deals, discounts, promotions, limited time offers
乘坐Amtrak列车前往Washington, DC,获得更佳的旅行体验
若想拥有一次美好的旅行,交通体验至关重要。因此,Amtrak不仅致力于提供A点到B点的交通方式,还力求让您享有更优越的出行方式: 避开中间座位和飞行旅程的隐形费用,将自驾出行和油价烦恼抛在脑后。


Not sure where to start? Check out these popular destinations:
From the nation's capitol to some of the country's most historic cities, Amtrak has plenty of deals and destinations. Spend the day in the city that never sleeps or take a journey down South, but from Washington's Union Station, a new adventure is just a train ride away.
- 乘坐Acela列车需要至少提前十四 (14) 天预订。
- 票价视供应情况而定。
- 每位成人可携带一名2至12岁的儿童,票价为成人票价的一半。
- 仅限普通车厢座位;不可升级。
- 不可与任何其他优惠同时使用。
- 票价、路线和日程安排可能随时更改,恕不另行通知。
- 一旦旅程开始,不允许改变行程安排。
- 可能有其他限制。
前往Washington, DC的热门列车路线 |
New York City, NY至Washington, DC |
Boston, MA至Washington, DC |
Richmond, VA至Washington, DC |
Baltimore, MD至Washington, DC |
Philadelphia, PA至Washington, DC |
Raleigh, NC至Washington, DC |
Chicago, IL至Washington, DC |
Atlanta, GA至Washington, DC |
Norfolk, VA至Washington, DC |

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
New York City
Lorem ipsum New York City, NY to Washington, DC Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh viverra non semper suscipit posuere a pede.

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Boston, MA
Lorem ipsum New York City, NY to Washington, DC Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh viverra non semper suscipit posuere a pede.

Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Richmond, VA
Lorem ipsum Richmond, VA to Washington, DC Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh viverra non semper suscipit posuere a pede.

Baltimore, MD
Lorem ipsum Baltimore, MD to Washington, DC Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh viverra non semper suscipit posuere a pede.
Philadelphia, PA
Lorem ipsum Philadelphia, PA to Washington, DC Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh viverra non semper suscipit posuere a pede.
Raleigh, NC
Lorem ipsum Raleigh, NC to Washington, DC Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh viverra non semper suscipit posuere a pede.
Chicago, IL
Lorem ipsum Philadelphia, PA to Washington, DC Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh viverra non semper suscipit posuere a pede.
Atlanta, GA
Lorem ipsum Philadelphia, PA to Washington, DC Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh viverra non semper suscipit posuere a pede.
Popular Destinations to Washington, DC
Norfolk, VA
Lorem ipsum Norfolk, VA to Washington, DC Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh viverra non semper suscipit posuere a pede.
Not sure where to start?
Check out these popular destinations
Washington, DC至New York City
Washington, DC to Boston
Washington, DC to Richmond
Washington, DC to Baltimore
Washington, DC到Philadelphia
Washington, DC to Raleigh
Washington, DC to Chicago
Washington, DC to Atlanta
Washington, DC to Norfolk